
Zobrazují se příspěvky z leden, 2017

Cleo AW17

After the preview of Panache AW17 I bring you also a preview of Cleo for season autumn/winter 2017. Just in these days this collection is introduced in trade shows. If you missed the previous post about Panache, just click here . Cleo Koko Muse  + Cleo Koko Spirit Koko Spirit is a new style for season SS17 and at AW17 it will be in Rouge. I'm wondering how it will fits because I've heard it should be similar to Freya Deco. Cleo Devon + Cleo Minnie Devon is completely new style for autumn season and it looks really promising. It's a padded plunge bra and it's written in brochure that it should be in Black/Navy but from the photo it looks more like Black/Burgundy. So we will see. Cleo Kayla  + Cleo Piper Piper was a new style for season AW16 where it was in beautiful Cobalt Blue. However I've read in several reviews that it has really specific cut. I haven't had a chance to try but I think it wouldn't fit me anyway. Cleo Hettie Hettie has ...

Panache AW17

Today's post is about Panache and their lingerie for season Autumn/Winter 2017. Just in these day several trade shows where brands introduce their newest collections for winter 2017 are held. I'm (and also you're ;-) ) so lucky that I have the newest Panache brochure for AW17. So here is the new lingerie from this popular brand. Panache Envy I'm really sad that Panache Envy doesn't fit me because these colours are gorgeous. Panache Clara I was very surprised (in the good meaning of this word) that Clara fits me. Moreover it seemed to be really comfortable so I think I should finally try it and this beautiful combination of Black and Ruby would be perfect for this try. Moreover I love this high waist brief. Panache Jasmine I don't have any experience with Jasmine but I like the print on the right. It reminds me Cleo Della from AW16. Panache Penny  + Panache Olivia Olivia in Jade from AW15 is my last purchase from Panache and I love the colour...

Cleo Mimi

Cleo Mimi - polský half cup z Británie? Jestli se chcete dozvědět víc, přečtěte si moji recenzi. Cleo Mimi - Polish half cup from UK? If you want to know more, read my review. English version Když jsem Cleo Mimi viděla poprvé v katalogu Panache a pak na webu, tak mě vůbec nezaujala. Jak mám obvykle květinové potisky ráda, tak tenhle se mi moc nelíbil. Když se pak ale začaly na tuto podprsenku objevovat recenze, tak mě začala zajímat čím dál tím víc. Podle recenzí je totiž její střih hodně podobný polským half-cupům. Rozhodla jsem se ji tedy vyzkoušet a v tom mi pomohl můj oblíbený britský eshop se spodním prádlem Large Cup Lingerie , od něhož jsem Mimi dostala k recenzi. Základní informace: Značka: Cleo by Panache Model: Mimi Rose Print Velikost: UK 30E (EU 65F) Pořízení: listopad 2016 Vzhled Jak jsem se již zmínila v úvodu, tak vzhledově mě Mimi nějak zvlášť nezaujala. Obvykle se mi podprsenky s nádechem retra líbí, ale Mimi je možná až příliš retro. Podprsence domin...